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Geotechnical Work

Presentation Detailed Project Report for Rural Roads

About project

What is DPR ?

DPR stands for Detailed Project Report it includes an elaborate summary of all the elements necessary to carry out to the project .

We work road DPR means presentation is an outline of the process and stages involved in preparing a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for road and highway.

Main component  of DPR

  1. Detailed survey
  2. Report & Estimate
  3. Drawing & Design

We are recently prepare many road DPR and successfully submitted for South 24 Parganas District in State of West Bengal.

Many types  of scheme/fund used in prepare road DPR

  1. PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana)
  2. RIDF ( Rural Infrastructure Development Fund)
  3. CAPEX ( Capital Expenditure)

Our team recent  time work many project under RIDF Scheme. So briefly discuss our experience of this Project.

Mobile software uses in field work

  1. GPS Logger
  2. Note cam
  3. Google  earth

Instrument uses

  1. Total Station
  2. GPS
  3. Auto Level
  4. Tape

Presentation Detailed Project Report for Rural Roads

GPS Logger is a device capable of communicating with the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Store location of the actual “ objet “ it is attached to. Our need to GPS logger collect the road kml.

Note cam used to proper road image example, road side drainage , CD details , road width etc with includes N (Northing) & E (Easting).

Google Earth is working find out the kml actual place on field. So Google Earth is important when we drawing road kml & others valuable data.

Procedure of DPR work

  1. Site visit & Survey – Our first job is visit to site properly detail survey and collect to the important necessary data and passing Through the office team. And help them to next part any doubt and explain or answer their question
  2. Soil test Next soil test is most important part.
  3. Report Next work properly prepare report see field data. Example——–
    a) Protection Work.
    b) CD Details.
    c)Technical Details.

Presentation Detailed Project Report for Rural Roads 4. Traffic  survey

We have core expertise in taking up projects of road safety in the development period and maintenance period.

Traffic survey is very important part because this survey help us to indicate traffic category and CBR value.

We work traffic T4 categories and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) 5% TO 6%.

Rate analysis

Rate analysis are also very important part because this is effect for project cost.

Drawing & Design

Then kml file transfer to  cad  file .And using cad tools to put chainage .Select various layer  adjust North line  proper  offset set up like that field place. And detailed  estimation for road pavement ,maintenance, of other required materials.

Estimate(Bituminous road)

  • Clearing and Grubbing road land.
  • Box cutting and filling in road embankment.
  • Picking up Removal old bituminous layer(Only BT Road) Dismantling structures.
  • Construction of Embankment with Material Obtained
  • from Borrow Pits.
  • GSB calculation.

WBM –I , WBM-II Calculate etc.(Only BT Road), Prime coat, Tack coat ,OGPC ,Seal coat. • 10% profile correction(Only BT Road).

  • Concrete Road (Add) Cement concrete pavement.


Bill Of Quantity & Schedule Of Quantity submitted.(BOQ & SOQ)

Presentation Detailed Project Report for Rural Roads

Challenges and solution Challenges – 1 Meet up project dead line

Many Government engineer are involve in this project . And higher authority gave update everyday ,collected important data . They declare submission day of work very short time. Solution

We engaged our many team members deliver the file with proper time. Every team members had his own responsibility to completing the task with proper time.

Challenges – 2 Changes in pavement layer

When changes pavement material thickness or others materials and update very short time.


Our team always ready to changes any correction and quickly solve the problems be care fully.

Challenges – 3 Standard quality maintain in DPR

We found the DPR book standard difficult, to compare other consultant


Our team always thinking how to prepare very good quality DPR.Always Our team try best together.

Presentation Detailed Project Report for Rural Roads

Our teams roles and Responsibilities

Co-ordinate & managing project at every stage Detailed Project Report (DPR), Detailed Design (DD),Designing alignment option, Design Road, Drain , junction Preparing drawings,(Typical Cross Section) TCS ,plan and profile, preparing Report & Estimation ,technical sanction documents schedule.

Results – So we are finally submitted final road DPR, SOQ & BOQ In proper time.

Client meet together

Client Feedback – “Great communication and great quality of work Diamond Harbour division, South 24 Parganas, ( WBSRDA),West Bengal.